Hyangsu “향수” (2021)

After having spent a period of 4 months during my last trip to South Korea, I was able to experience Korea in a whole new way where I developed a deeper sense of connection to my motherland.

The word ‘향수’ or ‘Hyangsu’ means ‘nostalgia’ and in this 2 minute animation, I try to provide a brief insight into my attempt at digesting the complex ‘roots’ of my Korean identity as a British Korean person. The animation is based on a 40 minute conversation between myself and my best friend where we talk about our thoughts and experiences of: what it means to be ‘Korean’ and ‘British’, the idea of ‘home’, feelings of ‘in-betweenness’ and wayfaring, how learning the Korean language provided a sense of connection to our heritage, living with the cultural differences between the two countries and how these experiences and concepts intertwine and manifest within, creating a growing sense of cultural identity.

#향수hyangsu #nostalgia #culture #identity #KoreanBritish #BritishKorean #graspingmyroots #family #SouthKorea #culturalheritage #language #duality #hybrididentity #MDX #MiddlesexUniversity #Illustration